I fished this morning with Michael Noxon and his two sons Max and Jack. We met down at the Sawpit Creek boat ramp at 7:30am and headed up to the Horsehead area to fish a falling tide with jigs and shrimp. The first stretch of flooded oysters that we fished produced one fat Seatrout that Michael landed, the second spot produced none, so we headed over to Broward Island knowing that the logs would be exposed. We weren't there long before we began to get hookups. Young Jack did an excellent job reeling in a feisty Redfish to start things off then all three anglers began to catch fish. We had a good handful of feisty Redfish and hungry Seatrout, then Michael landed a Sheepshead to get their Amelia Island Back Country Slam. Max hooked up with a fish that ripped drag out and after a good battle landed a nice 19" Slot Redfish! Michael reeled in a keeper sized Sheepshead and Jack put another feisty Redfish in the boat. Michael made it a "Grand Slam" by outsmarting a Flounder, the 3rd caught in the last week. Our last stop was back at Seymore's Pointe and Jack wrapped things up by catching a Seatrout on a float rig. With that, we called it a day, another great one to be out on Amelia Island waters!
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