Thursday, October 19, 2023

Slot Red Limit

 Quick report...gotta go help set up a Fishing Tournament!  Fished today with Kurt Ronicher and his friend Rick, and John Raker, meeting out at the Goffinsville Park boat ramp. We fished some shell beds on the last of an outgoing tide, then ran down to Broward and fished the first of an incoming with jigs and mud minnows. That paid off! They landed four Slot Redfish, the biggest was 25", and a good handful of smaller feisty Redfish.  Kurt was tossing a fly rod for most of the day, had a few bites, and caught one of the feisty Reds on a Dupree Spoon Fly. 

We fished oyster beds, flooding marsh grass, more flooding marsh grass, and more flooding marsh grass, and caught a handful of small Seatrout, and one Blue fish!

It was a beautiful day and it was a great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida. 

1 comment:

John Raker said...

Thank you for a GREAT FISHING DAY Captain Lawrence. We All Enjoyed a Fantastic Day with Ideal October Conditions!

John Raker