Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Snapper Boys and a nice Red

 I fished with the Palmore boys this morning, Justin and his sons Will and Bentley, meeting them down at the Sawpit Creek boat ramp early. We headed up the intercoastal then in to the Nassau and after a brief run, pulled up at Spanish Drop and began fishing with jigs and live shrimp and mudminnows on a tide that still had about an hour and a half of going out. We worked along a shell bank and picked up a Jack and a tangled with a couple of high flying Ladyfish. 

After moving up the way to fish a large drainage, young Bentley had a good bite, a hookup, and after a good battle he landed a keeper sized Flounder - first in the box! After fishing Bubblegum Reef briefly, and to no avail, we ran across the river and tried a new spot, but alas, we caught no fish. We then fished between a couple of docks at Nassauville and picked up a couple of small Mangroves, then we moved up to Seymore's Pointe and really got into some Mangroves. All three anglers caught fish with one of Will's Mangroves being the biggest. Will also had a strong bite off the stern, up near the rocks, and this fish was ripping drag - it wasn't a Mangrove! Will played it expertly but this fish was having nothing of it, it dug deep and broke the leader. Ouch!

But Justin went back with a cast to the rocks, opened his bail and let it drift with the current and when it reached an outcrop, BAM! Big Fish On!  Again, it was digging deep and ripping drag but Justin kept the pressure on and soon brought to the net a nice 24.25" Slot Redish.

Our final stop was over at the mouth of Jackstaff, working a bank with float rigs and the trio caught a handful of small but feisty Redfish. It had been a beautiful day and we had fish in the box so as we headed back to the ramp we counted it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida. 

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