Ralston Creswell was in town with his friends Quinn and Zack and took in an Amelia Island back water fishing trip on
The Anglers Mark this morning. We met at Atlantic Seafood and headed down the river to fish Temptation Cove with two hours remaining on an incoming tide. Although we had a few nibbles on our mud minnows under a float, there were no takers. We headed back up to the outside of Tiger Island and fished some flooded oyster beds and here Zack picked up a feisty Redfish and Ralston picked up a hungry Trout. We moved on around to the mouth of Tiger Basin and fished a spot until the tide started out then we headed up to Jolley River to catch the first of an outgoing tide. All three anglers caught some small trout and small Redfish then Quinn had a good strong hookup and FISH ON! He played the fish briefly but the wiley Red must have buried his snout into the oysters and, FISH OFF! Ouch!we continued to fish the flooded oysters and Zack rounded out his personal Amelia Island Back Country Slam, picking up two Flounder in a row. We had a couple of Ladyfish then we made a second run of a good bank and this time the anglers were tossing jigs and mud minnows. Zack had turned on some music and it may have been the trick because we had only fished a short while when Ralstons drag ripped out and his rod doubled over and he had a big battle on his hands. He played the fish perfectly and we soon netted an oversized 27 1/2" Red, which put Ralston tied for 2nd in The Anglers Mark Bragging Rights Tournament, Redfish Category! Later, Zack picked up a nice keeper sized Trout. With that, we called it a day, another great one to be out on Amelia Island waters!
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