Saturday, March 19, 2016

Trout Galore

I had the pleasure of fishing again with Dennis Collins and his buddies Rich and Ed, this time launching from the south end boat ramp. There was absolutely no wind as we cruised up the Amelia River to dip into Jackstaff and fish a small creek on the very first of an outgoing tide.  Two of the anglers - Rich and Ed - were tossing Cajun Thunder float rigs while Dennis set up on the bow to toss a 8w fly rod with a shrimp pattern on a floating line, fishing about 5' of water.  The shrimp guys started catching Seatrout immediately, trading catches as they floated their bait from up near the grass out
and over a flooded oyster hump. They caught one after the other for a good while. We eased up closer to a marsh run out and they still were catching fish. Dennis continued to throw the fly and had a couple of "bumps" but no takers. We ran over to the mouth of Jackstaff and began working the bank and every once in a while the bait fishermen picked up a trout. We had switched Dennis to an 8w Intermediate line but stuck with a shrimp pattern and soon Dennis was getting in on the action. He picked up a handful of Trout and even landed a "baitstealer" or two, proving that perseverance pays
off! We ran around to the Nassau River, fished some points in the marsh, picked up a Trout now and then then finished up fishing some docks and again, finding a Trout or two. It was a great two days of fishing with these guys, and always a great day to be out on the water here at Amelia Island, Florida.

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