caught on the Anlger's Mark. We made the long run down to Bell River and fished some more docks. All the anglers were getting nibbles then Amiad had a strong bite on the outside of a dock and FISH ON! He patiently worked the fish to the boat and we landed a nice 20" Seatrout. Our next and final stop was over in the Jolley River and here things really heated up. After all had a few nibbles, Maria had a strong hookup and her line went ZIP, ZIP, ZIP...a big fish on. She fought the fish hard, worked it to the boat and after a long battle that took her from bow to stern and from port to starboard...and back again, she finally got it boat side and we saw that it was a nice 4' Bonnethead Shark. But it was not to be. The shark made one final charge and snapped the line, OUCH! We got the lines back in the water and on Luann's first cast, FISH ON! Her line too zipped out and her rod bent double, another Shark. Luann put up a valiant fight and worked and worked and go the fish near enough to the boat for me to grab it and we all gave a cheer, fish landed! After a nice group pic we released the Bonnethead to be caught another day. With that, we called it day, another great one to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.