Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sheepshead Slam
Dennis Thomsen and his family visited Amelia Island for the holidays and scheduled a backwater fishing trip on The Anglers Mark yesterday. Dennis, his son Kendall, and granddaughter Andrea met me at the Atlantic Seafood dock at 1pm and we headed up to Lanceford Creek on the very first of an outgoing tide. At our first stop at some flooded oyster beds we fished with live shrimp under float rigs and soon began to catch Seatrout. All three anglers joined in on the action and ended up catching 8-10 Trout with a couple of them keeper sized. As the tide dropped we moved on to fish some dock pilings and the "catching" heated up. Andrea had the hot rod early and picked up a couple of feisty Redfish, Dennis caught a couple and then Andrea and Dennis had a double hookup! Kendall saw an opening and he too began to catch Redfish. The three anglers caught 12-15 Redfish with two of them in the Slot. The bite slowed so we made a run to Tiger Island to fish the downed logs and it wasn't long before we were catching fish again. The tide was now almost out and the Redfish were biting. Kendall was at the stern and had a strong hookup, FISH ON! This one was ripping drag and Kendall played it perfectly but as he fought the fish, Andrea had a hookup, another double! Andrea brought in her Redfish to be measured and released and soon we were able to net Kendall's 24" Sheepshead, rounding out an Amelia Island backwater Slam! The anglers caught about 8-10 Redfish here and Kendall added another, even larger Sheepshead and as the sun headed down, we called it another great day to be on the Amelia Island waters!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Amelia Island Christmas Fishing
My daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter were in town for Christmas so the day after Nathan and I found a little time to get out on Amelia Island waters and do some fishing. We also had their dog, Brindle with us. We waited until later in the day, launching around 11am at Atlantic Seafood on a high and falling tide and headed up to Eagans Creek to get shelter from a 10-15mph wind. We fished one new spot and had no bites so we headed over to Lanceford to fish the still flooded oyster beds. We weren't there long before we had a good hookup with a Redfish but after a brief battle it broke off on the oysters, OUCH! We did pick up a couple of small Trout. We found some docks to fish on the last of an outgoing tide and this was the ticket. Nathan hooked up with a feisty Redfish then I caught one, too. We ended up catching 5-6 Reds and Nathan had one in the Slot and he also picked up a hard fighting Puppy Drum. We ended the day at the Rayonier warehouse and caught some keeper sized Trout, then headed in, counting at as another great day to be on the water!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Aerobic Fishing
The Creswell family was in town, visiting Amelia Island from the Houston area, and scheduled a backcountry fishing trip on The Anglers Mark today. We left the Atlantic Seafood dock with no clouds in the sky and with temperatures in the mid 60's, heading up the river to fish the outside of Tiger Island on the first of an incoming tide. There wasn't a whole lot of breeze and the anglers were able to toss their live shrimp under floats to the flooded oyster beds. We fished the area for a while and had no real bites. We moved on around to the mouth of Tiger Inlet and anchored and fished the float and shrimp rigs again, to no avail. Courtney and Morgan were not to be deterred and broke into an impromptu Aerobic session to liven things up! We ran up to Jolley River and fished a creek runout where Courtney broke the ice with a small but hungry Seatrout.. The little guy didn't have any friends along with him so we made one last stop in the area over at "The Mother of All" spots. We may need to change the name because nothing was biting. I was beginning to wonder what was going on as we made a long run back to Lanceford Creek with the oysters beginning to show. We switched to jig and shrimp rigs and it wasn't long before Morgan hooked up and had a good fish on the line, FISH ON! She played the fish perfectly and we soon netted a 19" Flounder. We made another stop at some dock pilings and here things heated up. All four anglers began to catch feisty Redfish (rounding out and inshore Slam) and then Morgan put the bread on the table with a large 26" Slot Redfish! We fished until the shrimp ran out then called it a day, another great one to be out on Amelia Island waters!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Triple Double
Cary Sorensen was my fishing partner yesterday, visiting Amelia Island with the same group on business from Saturday's trip. Boy what a change in weather from the previous day! It was in the low 40's and even though the forecast had called for 5-10mph winds, it was blowing 10-15 out of the west. With that in mind, we made a change of plans and ran up Landsford Creek to get out of the wind and fish in comfort! Our first stop was at Oyster Bay and after anchoring we tossed some live shrimp on jigs up to some dock pilings. It was only a few minutes when UMPH! FISH ON! and we had a battle with a big fish on our hands! Unfortunately, the fish got up in the pilings and broke us off. Ouch. We continued to fish and Cary was putting his bait right at the pilings and it paid off. He hooked up with some feisty Redfish, one in the Slot, and played them perfectly to the boat. After about 5 Redfish the bite came to a complete and noticeable halt so we pulled anchor to head up Lanceford, still thinking about the big one that got away and wondering if we had missed our chance at a big fish. We dropped our anchor south of some dock pilings and began to fish them and the adjacent oysters as the tide continued to come in. Little did we know that we were in for some serious fast and furious fish'n and catch'n! WUMPH! FISH ON! Cary hooked up and fought to the boat a nice Slot 26" Redfish! WHUMPH! FISH ON! A Slot 23" Redfish. WHUMPH! WHUMPH! We've got a double! A 25" Redfish and a Rat! We got another double! A 26 1/2" Redfish and a 23" Slot Red. We were catching and releasing and catching Reds until I noticed that I was actually breathing hard trying to keep up with the excitement. We ended up catching (7) Reds in the 23" to 26" range, a few smaller Reds, but still in the Slot and a whole "mess" of Rat Reds. Boy what a day. The sun had come up and warmed us, along with the fish catch'n, and we wrapped it up, calling it one of the best days of Amelia Island fishing!
Dinner for 5
Jeff Bailey and Mike Rugen were visiting Amelia Island on business and scheduled a backwater fishing trip on The Anglers Mark. Saturday. We left the Atlantic Seafood dock at the Fernandina Beach Harbor Marine at 7:30am and boy what a beautiful day it was. The day started out with a cool mid-50 temperature, no wind, and gradually warmed to the high 70's. We headed up to Tiger Island to fish the downed logs, starting our 1st pass on the south end, tossing quarter ounce jigs with live shrimp up to the shoreline and bumping them back real slow. The tide had just started back in and it wasn't long before Mike hooked up and battled a feisty Redfish to the boat. He picked up another in the Slot a while later so we dropped the anchor and began to fish in earnest. Mike had the hot rod early and caught another couple of Reds but Jeff persevered and after both anglers lost shrimp to a "nibbler", Jeff hooked it up and pulled in a keeper sized Sheepshead and then added a couple of Redfish. After the bite slowed we pulled anchor and thinking that we may have missed a Red or two, we went back to the south end of the island and made a pass. It was a good thing we did because soon Jeff's rod bent and drag ripped, FISH ON! This Redfish was bigger and was taking drag and Jeff had a battle on his hands. He played the fish perfectly and after a couple of passes around the stern of the boat, we netted and nice 24" Slot Redfish! After another Red or two we moved on to the outside of Tiger to fish the now flooding oyster beds with float rigs and live shrimp and the anglers immediately began to catch Seatrout. Almost every cast produced a bite and every other produced a catch! These Trout were in the 12"-14" range and we probably could have sat there another couple of hours catching fish, but we were looking for something bigger. We moved to the south of Rayonier and with the water now completely covering the oysters, were able to fish a grass line where Mike picked up our final Redfish. With that, we called it a day, another great one to be out on Amelia Island waters!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Number 7 and 8 on a Fly Rod
I had a free day to fish before a weekend of "work" fishing so I launched The Anglers Mark this morning at Atlantic Seafood and ran up to Jolley River to, "Get away from it all"! The sun was just up, it was cool, but comfortable with a sweatshirt, and there was very little breeze. The tide had been coming in for a couple of hours but the oysters were still showing so I started easing along the bank tossing a jig and shrimp to the oysters. I worked a good 75 yards of bank and had no bites! What's with that? My next stop was at some pilings on the outside of Tiger Island and again, no bites. I moved in to behind Tiger Island and began trolling against the incoming tide, fishing in and around the downed logs and tree stumps and...FISH ON! I picked up a slow biting, but hard fighting Redfish. After my second hookup I dropped the anchor and began to catch Redfish after Redfish and was having so much fun that I switched to a fly rod and after a few casts and strips, had a hookup. I went back and forth between the spinning rod and the fly rod. A few of the Reds were in the smaller range of the Slot but most were 16"-17". My next stop was on the outside of Tiger where I anchored and fished some flooded oyster beds with live shrimp under a float. I wasn't there long before the float disappeared and I had my first Trout of the day. The Trout were plentiful and I probably could have stayed there for a couple of hours catching 12"-14" Trout but I was hoping for a few a little bigger. My final stop was at Temptation Cove which was like glass with the light breeze coming out of the south blocked by a land mass. I tossed one float rig over near the marsh grass and one out behind the boat over some oyster beds and soon found it was difficult to man both rods! The Reds were up near the grass and each time I got my bait up close the float would soon began to start moving sideways then disappear and ...Big Fish On! The drag ripped out and a couple of times I could see the grass moving as the big Red tried to escape but I worked them in and netted them. Out behind the the boat, Trout were biting and this time I had a few get over the 15" mark which was kinda nice. A disabled military veteran neighbor had hinted about wanting some fresh fish so after the day was done I dropped him off a fillet of Redfish and some Trout fillets. What a great day to be out on the water!
Big Talbot Island/Sawpit Creek Boat Ramp Closed Temporarily
The boat ramp and adjacent parking lot at Big Talbot Island at Sawpit Creek will be closed at least through January 9th for erosion stabilization work. I assume that one of the things they are fixing is the sinkhole in pavement down near the ramp. What's the chances of them putting in another floating dock on the south side of the ramp? That would be nice wouldn't it? To follow the construction schedule click here!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Angler Gift Samples
Here are a few samples that are available for last minute Christmas gifts for the angler in your life! I have a whole lot more in stock so contact me and I'll send you pictures of the entire stock. I've got a whole bunch of flasks, a few journals, a couple of money clips, and a fly wallet. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Nice Boat for Sale
For Sale, 1998, 17.6 Key West Stealth, flats boat, fully rig, Very Clean. New 2011, 115 Mercury Opimax, less than 80 hours, 3 year warranty, mounted on a 6 inch offset plate, with a spare SS 4 bladed pop. Motorguide Trolling Motor, 82 pound thrust Great White, 24 volt system, with a quick release mount. Power Pole, 6 foot, with new upgraded mounting bracket. Optima Batteries, 4 New 2011, Size D-31, cranking and trolling. Stiffy Push, Pole, 21 foot. New 2011 HumminBird # 560 death finder. 98 LoadMaster Boat Trailer,with I-beam aluminum construction, torsion axel, new tires, aluminum rims, and spare tire.
Please call Capt. Russell Tharin at ph # 904-4914799.
Please call Capt. Russell Tharin at ph # 904-4914799.
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