cast when she had a hookup and after playing the fish perfectly, she landed a nice hungry Seatrout. She switched to the 7w which had a floating line but a long 9' leader and drifted her small Clouser Minnow deep, bumping it across the bottom and after a few casts she said she felt a strange "bump" then the line got heavy, then, FISH ON! She worked the fish to the surface and we saw why it was a strange bite - it was a nice keeper sized Flounder! After fishing that area we made the run to fish Eagans Creek (and get out of the wind) but no fish cooperated here. Our final stop was over at Tiger Island, switching back to the rod with the Intermediate line and shrimp pattern. Cathy made an excellent cast up near a downed log and BOOM! BIG FISH ON! And it was a big one! She kept the pressure on, kept her rod up, but gave it some line as the big fish pulled. When it got back in the current Cathy followed it to the stern of the boat and took the battle to the fish which she soon landed - a Slot Sized 25" Red Fish, boy what a fish! We worked the island from one end to the other then called it a day, another great one to be caching an Amelia Island Back Country Slam!