I'd set up a fishing trip today with Chuck Butler and his two sons Trey and Trenton and I had already noted that there would be a "high and incoming " tide as we began fishing. But these anglers were up to the challenge and we ended up catching some really nice fish. Our first stop was at Temptation Cove where we fished with live shrimp under floats. Young Trenton hooked up early with a hungry Seatrout and as he was reeling him in Trey had a solid hookup and a fish fight on his hands. Trey patiently worked th fish in and we soon landed a nice keeper sized 18" Black "puppy" Drum! Not long afterwards his dad Chuck landed one,

too. We made a run up into Lanceford Creek to fish some flooded marsh grass and here things really heated up. Trenton had a huge bite that just kept on going! All the anglers landed some hungry Seatrout then Chuck put a nice 17" keeper Trout in the boat. Chuck had two good battles with big Redfish, one brief, and one extended when but the big Red got up in the grass and broke off. OUCH! But Chuck was not to be deterred when again he hooked up. This big Red also made for the marsh grass but Chuck was able to work him out slowly. After a
good battle we netted a nice 24" Slot Redfish! We later checked out some flooded grass flats - saw no tailing Reds - then fished the logs of Tiger at the top of the high flood tide with no real bites. Trenton landed a feisty Stingray then we move to the outside of Tiger to fish the first of the outgoing tide. Both Chuck and Trey caught a few hungry Trout, Trenton had a feisty Redfish, then he wrapped up the day by landing a nice keeper sized Black drum. With that, we called it a day, another great one to be out on Amelia Island waters!