Thursday, March 17, 2022

Back To Back Flounder

 I wasn't really expecting a Flounder catch on the first drift this morning but that's what we got. I had met Matt Husa and his kids 9yo Divya and 5yo Kian down at the south end boat ramp early, and as the full moon disappeared over the trees, we headed up the intercoastal, cut thru Middle River and made it around to Pumpkin Hill with plans to drift live shrimp under floats on a tide that still had a couple of hours to hit high. 

Matt and Kian had taken the stern, drifting long, but Divya was on the bow and had a good drift going along the marsh grass on her first cast. When her float slowly went under she got her bail shut and began cranking - she had a hookup! Divya worked it to the boat and landed hungry 12" Flounder!  And just a drift or two later, in the same spot, she had another hookup. She brought this one to the boat, also, and it measured just a tad bit under 14". 

Matt and Kian had been working the stern and they teamed up to hookup and land a feisty Bluefish. We moved and fished the

point, then moved down another bank and fished some grassy islands and here Divya caught and landed a Seatrout.  Matt also hooked up and landed a keeper sized Seatrout. After fishing back around the corner, we made  the run down to Broward Island and fished jigs on the bottom on the very last of the high tide, not ideal. But we did get to see the Bald Eagles while were down there.

After a run back to Seymore's Pointe we set up at a grassy point and here the action picked up a bit. Both Divya and Matt/Kian team were getting bites and landing Seatrout. Then Matt had a strong bite and this one ripped some drag out-a bigger fish. Matt played it patiently and after a good battle landed a 17" keeper sized Seatrout. 

We ran thru Horsehead to the mouth of Jackstaff, turned into a creek, and fished a large outflow and again had few bites, then wrapped up pitching jigs along the bank in Jackstaff, then headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida. 


DK Dutta, Grandpa said...

Excellent trip for you all & good catch Divya & Kian. Enjoy. Grand Dad DK

Unknown said...

Those are Fantastic fish. Great Job!!!