Monday, September 16, 2024

Hot Streak At The End

 Crazy weather but we squeezed in a fishing trip today - the forecast called for very  little rain chance but winds hovering around 12mph, and overcast - it wasn't very pretty but we thought, fishable. So I met Robert Stettner, David Vice and his friend Bhavna out at Goffinsville Park and with a very high tide still coming in, we made our way over to Pumpkin Hill where we set up with float rigs and live shrimp to drift the marsh grass. I was optimistic when Robert hooked up on his first drift but before I could even grab the net, it was off. And after that, we struggled to get a fish. We had a few bites here and there as we moved around the point until David finally hooked up and battled to the net a hard fighting Jack Crevalle. 

We then ran over to Seymore's Point and drifted the shrimp again, this time with absolutely no bites.After running thru Horsehead and over to Poteat Point and fishing that stretch, up and down, we did manage another Jack Crevalle catch which Bhavna expertly reeled in. 

The wind had picked up a bit and the floats just didn't seem to doing it, and I could hear whispers of mutiny, so we ran back thru Horsehead and down to some docks at Nassauville where we switched to jigs and the shrimp, with David sticking with the float rig. Luckily, we began to get fish. David got a good handful of Mangrove Snapper, then when he began to go to some rocks he began to get bigger, keeper sized Snapper. Bhavna switched to the float and after making an excellent cast, hooked up and battled to the boat another keeper sized Mangrove. Robert was fishing the stern, sticking with the jig, and it paid off when he had a good "thump". After setting the hook we could tell that it wasn't a Mangrove - he played it patiently to the net and landed a nice keeper sized Black "puppy" Drum. 

Bhavna and David stayed at the stern and reeled in a good handful of those keeper sized Mangroves, the biggest being about 13" while David stayed at the stern. He had baited up with a huge live shrimp, good an "excellent" cast to the rocks and BAM! The minute it hit, Fish On!  He fought it expertly and soon landed a nice 18" Seatrout. Robert also added a keeper sized Mangrove to his catch total. We finished up down at Spanish Drop, fishing a couple of drainages and wrapped things up when Bhavna hooked up and landed another hard fighting Jack Crevalle. And with that, we called it a day, another great one to be fishing here at Amela Island, Florida. 

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