Editors Note: This is some good stuff! One neighbor, after eating these, said he awoke in the middle of the night thinking about them!
1 lb Jumbo or Large Shrimp
1 lb Jumbo or Large Shrimp
1 Bag of fresh leaf spinach
1 Small container of Cream Cheese
1 Fresh Jalapeño pepper, sliced thin long
ways into slivers
1 Pack bacon, cut into half or quarters
1 Jar Kraft original sweet BBQ sauce
1 Box toothpicks
devein and butterfly the shrimp. Smear
some Cream Cheese into the shrimp.
a sliver of jalapeño on top of the cream cheese and fold shut. Wrap the shrimp with one or two pieces of
spinach. Wrap a piece of bacon around
the spinach/shrimp. You can probably
use a ¼ length of bacon because it stretches.
Skewer the bacon through with a toothpick and place in a 9”x11” container.
When all the shrimp are prepared, pour the BBQ sauce over them and get
them coated real good. Grill and flip
until the bacon is done. Did I mention that this was some good stuff?