I had the pleasure of fishing with Paul Haber again today. This time he brought along his daughter Ann and grandson Sam, meeting me out at the Goffinsville Park boat ramp at noon with plans to fish the outgoing tide. We ran over to Horsehead and fished a couple of marsh run outs and we quickly found that Sam had the "hot rod" early. He boated a couple of small Trout then landed a nice fat one. Later, while fishing the corner of a run out, his float suddenly went under and his rod bent. He had a nice fish on. I thought for sure it
was going to be a keeper Trout but when he brought it to the net we saw that it was a nice keeper sized Flounder! (My first error). We crossed a creek, fished that bank with jigs and shrimp, had very few bites, then ran around to the Nassau River and fished some still flooded old oyster banks. Sam again found a good Trout down deep. We began to think that if their buddy Chamberlin were here there would be some lessons being taught! We tried to fish some docks at Seymore's Pointe but the wind was really buffeting us. Ann had a float rig out the back, drifting with the wind and current
and when it went under I just knew she had a nice Trout (my second error) She worked the fish in and after a good battle, landed a hard fighting Jack Crevalle. Shortly after that Paul, who had been persistently fishing the dock pilings with a jig and shrimp, had a hookup. This was a nice fish! He played it patiently and landed a keeper sized 19" Seatrout! This puts Paul in second place in the Anglers Mark 2016 Bragging Rights Tournament - Trout category(scroll down the right side of this report for standings) We finally had enough of the wind and ran down to Broward Island and when we got there it was like an oasis, a port out of the storm! The trio began tossing jigs and shrimp to the bank. Ann put a nice Trout in the boat and Sam added a keeper sized Sheepshead. Then Paul's line went tight, and stayed tight, and I pronounced he had a "log". My third error. Every once in a while it acted like a fish and pulled a little, but I felt sure it was just the "log" drifting in the current. Paul worked it up from the deep as we drifted a 100 yards down the river and eventually we saw that it was huge Stingray! It was a day of surprises but a great one to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.