We rescheduled Saturday's afternoon trip to this morning due to wind issues. I met Nick Peet and his girlfriend Julia at Atlantic Seafood early this morning and even though it was somewhat chilly, there was only a slight breeze and not a cloud in the sky. We hit "Temptation Cove" south of Rayonier on the last of an incoming tide but had no real bites on live shrimp under a float then we headed up Lanceford Creek to fish some flooded oyster beds but again, no real bites. Moving back up the river we fished a couple of docks with jigs and shrimp then eased along a grass line, back to tossing float rigs in 4' of water. With almost two hours into the fishing trip and no real bites I was glad to see Julia's float go under and her rod bend - we got a fish! Whooeee! Julia played the fish perfectly and as I was about to net this keeper sized Trout, Nick hooked up and he had a fish on, too! Nick worked his bigger Trout to the boat and we netted it for a "double Trout" picture. We made a run around to Tiger Island, fished some more flooded oysters, then moved into Tiger Basin to switch back to jigs and fish on the bottom. I think Nick's first cast produced a nice feisty Redfish! And on his 2nd cast, boom! Redfish. Julia elbowed Nick out of the way and put her bait up near the structure and in a few short seconds, FISH ON! This was a bigger fish and took some patience to work it in and Julia did great. After a good battle we netted a nice 21.5" Slot Redfish, Julia's first ever. This fish moved Jilia into 2nd place in the Anglers Mark 2014 Bragging Rights Tournament - Redfsih Category (scroll down right side of this report for standings). We continued to fish the area and in addtion to the anglers catching a few more of the Reds on jigs and shimp, Nick picked up one on a weighted chartreuse plastic shrimp. The sun had warmed things up as we headed in, so we counted it as another great day to be out on Amelia Island waters!
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