Friday, August 9, 2024

Crazy Action Packed Day at Amelia Island

 I wrapped my week up fishing with the Averbuch crew - Mark and his son Cutler and grandson Harvey- meeting them down at Sawpit Creek early today. We made our way up the intercoastal, up the Nassau, and made our first stop at Spanish Drop. As we worked the bank with jigs and live shrimp and a few mud minnows Mark got hot catching fish, making it plain that he didn't come fishing, he came to catch. He boated a feisty Redfish to "knock the skunk off", then hooked up a with a small Trout and another Red. Then the other two got in on the action and caught a good handful of feisty Reds. Mark had a strong hookup, battled it expertly, and landed the first Slot Redfish of the day, one of five that this team would catch. I was expecting a Flounder along here but they didn't cooperate.

We were really blowing thru the Shrimp so when we made our next run we made stop up near Seymore's Point and cast netted for  4-5 perfect size finger mullet. Then thru Horsehead we went and around to Jackstaff where we trolled into the current along the "bank". Again, this trio of Anglers stayed busy, catching another handful of small but feisty Reds. Harvey added to the variety when he hooked up and landed a keeper sized Mangrove Snapper (all fish but one were released today) ,then his dad Cutler battled to the boat the 2nd slot Red to be photographed and released. Somewhere along there we caught a respectable Jack Crevalle. But no Flounder. 

Back thru Horsehead we came and down the Nassau to Twin Creeks where we stuck with the jigs, but to no avail. After we bounced over to Nassauville and fished between two docks we had nothing, not a Red, not a Trout, not a Snapper, and no, not even a Flounder.

Our next and final stop was over at Pumpkin Hill and here we switched to floats with plans to drift the bank. Boy were we in for an awakening!  They caught a couple of the small Redfish, then Mark had a drag ripping bite. This was a big fish and when it boiled up we knew it was big. Mark fought it paitently, letting it run and rip that drag and after a good battle landed an Oversized 30.5" Redfish, big enough to move him in to 3rd Place in the Anglers Mark 2024 Bragging Rights Tournament -Redfish Category. (scroll down the right side of this report for standings). 

At that same time Cutler had a hookup and he was a battling #3 Slot Red to the boat. Young Harvey put a couple of Reds in the boat then Cutler added a nice 17" Seatrout. He and Mark both added Slot Reds to their catch total, making it number 4 and 5 for Slots for the day. With all that going on you would have thought we'd of got a Flounder!

But as we headed back to the ramp we counted it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida. 

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