Thursday, August 8, 2024

Jack Frenzy Gives Us Some Action

 First day back after Tropical Storm Debby passed thru...I met Dennis Fritz, his son Doug, and grandsons Ethan and Spencer, down at the Sawpit Creek boat ramp early. We made our way over to the Nassau River, ran up it a bit, and made a stop at Spanish Drop on a tide that was almost at the bottom. Fish the banks with jigs and mudminnows and live shrimp, it was Doug, fishing off the stern, he "knocked the skunk off" with a feisty Redfish catch. He followed that up with a keeper sized  Flounder (all fish caught today were released).

We moved up a couple of hundred yards and fished a drainage and here young Spencer expertly hauled
in another feisty Redfish, grandpa eased in a Blue Crab (you gotta be good to catch a Blue Crab), and Ethan, fishing on the bow, tangled with a couple of high flying Ladyfish, "the poor man's Tarpon".  We ran down to Broward Island and fished the last of the outgoing tide on one end where we only had one bite, a good one that ripped drag, but didn't take. After fishing the north end on the first of an incoming tide to no avail, we moved on. 

Up at Pumkin Hill we switched to floats but before we could even get a good drift on we saw that there
was some serious busting of bait going on, with birds diving, and fish thrashing. These anglers began to toss their shrimp and minnows to the commotion, they had a few hits that didn't take, then BAM! Dennis, fishing off the stern had his float disappear. He lifted the rod, tightened up, and Fish On! His drag was ripping as the fish ran west then east then BAM! Doug had a strong bite and boy was it a fish!  His fish ran north then south, ripping drag all the way and then we had to "do the dance'". Doug's fish brought him from the bow back to the stern and under Dennis's rod, and back to the stern. Dennis's fish dug deep and then headed around the engine. It was an epic battle but the two anglers finally landed their respective Jack Crevalle's, boy what a battle!

Just a short time later both Spencer and Ethan were treated to their own Jack Crevalle fight. They did outstanding and fought their fish to the net for photo and release. Somewhere in there Dennis quietly hooked up and landed a hungry Seatrout. And with that, we called it day and as we headed back we counted it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.

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