Monday, May 4, 2015

Fishing on Fire

After a long Shrimp Festival weekend I was back to work this afternoon, meeting Lewis Welsh and his friend Stanley out at the Goffinsville Park boat ramp. We headed over to Horsehead, ran through Jackstaff and fished it's mouth, starting with float rigs and live shrimp. Stanley knocked the skunk off when he landed a nice 18" Seatrout. We continued to fish the bank, switched to jigs and shrimp and had a few good bites, with Lewis picking up another Seatrout and tangling with our first Ladyfish of the year. We ran
back through the creek and made a stop at some docks at Seymore's Pointe. It wasn't long and we picked up a 18" Flounder. The conditions were right but we just weren't getting the bites so we relocated onto the other side of the dock and this did the trick! Stanley caught another keeper Trout then started catching keeper sized Mangrove Snapper. Then Lewis began to get the Snapper and then BOOM! BIG FISH ON! It was ripping drag and trying its best to get up under the dock pilings but Lewis kept the pressure on and patiently fought the fish. After a good battle he landed a slot sized 23" Redfish. From then on the two anglers stayed busy caching fish. Stanley landed another Slot Red while Lewis added keeper sized Sheepshead and Black "puppy" Drum. They continued to pick up the Snapper and caught another keeper sized Seatrout. We made one more move, fished a bit longer then headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Variety Of Fish

I fished this morning with Tim and Sally Lackey who met me down at the City marina for an Amelia Island back country fishing trip. We headed north and up to the Jolley River to fish a large creek mouth on an outgoing tide. The oysters were just showing and I had Tim on a float rig and Sally on a jig. Tim was the first to hookup, landing a nice keeper sized Seatrout. He had a couple of more bites but no takers so we moved on up into the creek. Here, we picked up a keeper sized Whiting then Sally had a strong hookup and, FISH ON! This was a big fish and it ripped line off the reel as it ran. Sally
went from the bow to the stern and from port to starboard as she chased the fish. She put up a good fight but the tackle was too light for what I think would have been our first Bonnethead Shark of the year, and it broke off.  We moved to the mouth of Jolley, fished an exposed oyster bank with jigs, and Tim put a feisty Redfish in the boat and Sally followed that up with a Bluefish. We ran around to Tiger Island, fished the logs, picked up a couple of more Trout, then Tim garnered the duo an Amelia Island Back Country Slam when he caught a Flounder at the mouth of a Creek. We continued to fish the area, caught a couple of more Redfish, then headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing Amelia Island waters!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Big Sheepshead Claims Bragging Rights

For the second time in two days the top spot in the Bragging Rights has been claimed! I started out fishing with Bob and Anne Owensby who brought along Anne's brother David and his wife Emily for an Amelia Island light tackle fishing trip today. We met down at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp and ran up the Amelia River to fish the flooded oyster beds of Jackstaff. Emily claimed the first fish, a hard fighting Jack Crevalle, then she put another in the boat too. Then David felt a fish bumping his bait
softly - he waited patiently, and then set the hook on a nice keeper sized Flounder (but all fish caught today were released). Bob got on the board when he boated a Stingray that wanted to hug the bottom. After that, we had no real bites for about 40 minutes! The wind had picked up a bit so we ran around to some docks at Seymore's Pointe and it made for some real nice conditions. The anglers weren't getting any real bites, though, until Emily had a strong hookup, and, FISH ON! She played the fish calmly and even though it wanted to run under the boat, she pulled it out and after a good battle, landed 
a huge 22.5" Sheepshead to capture first place in the Anglers Mark 2015 Bragging Rights Tournament - Sheepshead Category (scroll down the right side of this report to see standings). Boy what a fish! We fished the docks for a while and Bob picked up a couple of Redfish and then Emily had one, too. They already had an "Amelia Island Back Country Slam" of Flounder, Sheepshead, and Redfish, but when we moved over to Bubblegum Reef, David made it a "Grande Slam" when he put a couple of keeper sized Seatrout in the boat. Bob landed  a couple of more Sheepshead, one that was a very nice keeper size, then we headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Birthday Trip Nets Big Trout

Tim Ayers set up an Amelia Island back water fishing trip for his son Andrew's birthday and Andrew brought along his buddy's Aiden and Drake to help celebrate. We met down at the South End boat ramp and after a  brief safety orientation, headed up the Amelia River to duck into Jackstaff to fish the last of an outgoing tide. Our first "demo" cast produced a bite and Drake was on the rod, reeling in a keeper sized Flounder! And not shortly after that both Andrew and Aiden followed it up with two hungry Seatrout. We had another Flounder along that stretch then ran thru the creek
to fish some docks at Seymore's Pointe. Although the conditions were right I believe the tide was just coming to a standstill so we had no real bites. We moved over to Bubblegum Reef, fished for a while, then the anglers had a good flurry of fish catching. Tim hooked up with a hungry Jack Crevalle, then they picked up a Trout, and then another Jack, but this one was bigger. At the same time a Sail Cat was hauled in. The wind was picking up out of the south and making things difficult so we ran down to Broward Island and this did the trick. Drake reeled in a feisty Redfish, then we had
another Red then Aiden had a strong hookup, and FISH ON! We knew this fish was big when it came to the surface and thrashed around, but Aiden kept the pressure on and we soon landed a 22.5" Seatrout, big enough to put Aiden in the lead of the 2015 Anglers Mark Bragging Rights Tournament-Seatrout Category! Scroll down the right side of this report for standings. We continued to fish the area for a while longer, then called it day, another great one to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Beautiful but Windy Day

I fished today with Charles Lynn and his buddy Julianne, visiting from the Columbus, Georgia area, and we met down at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp. The wind was already kicking a little bit but we had sunny skies and a baitwell full of live shrimp, so we headed up the Nassau River to make our first stop at Bubblegum Reef.  We probably shouldn't have shook our fists at the wind when the two anglers both put nice fat Seatrout in the boat in just a few minutes! We move over to some docks, fished the pilings, had a
strong hookup, but had no fish, and the wind was now kicking our butts. We moved around to the east side of a land mass and it was like night and day  being out of the wind! Although the conditions were great, we only landed a mud fish. We fished the barge at Nassauville, had no luck, then ran down to Broward Island. Charles picked up a Sheepshead and then had another strong bite, but it broke the line at the leader, and that was the last of our chances there. Again, the wind was buffeting us to the shoreline, so we ran back to the lee side of a land mass, fished briefly, then headed in, counting it as beautiful day to be out on the water, albeit a very windy one!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bunch of Fish

After being down for two days due to thunderstorms I was chomping at the bit to get back on the water today. I met Russ and Adrienne Futrell down at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp and we headed up the Nassau River, making our first stop at some docks to fish the first of an incoming tide. The two anglers were on the bow of the boat, tossing jigs and live shrimp to the pilings and it only took a few casts before both of them had a hookup at the same time! We had  double to "knock the skunk off"!  Russ landed a nice feisty Redfish and Adrienne put a keeper sized Black "puppy"
Drum in the boat. We continued to fish and the two caught a handful of keeper sized Mangrove Snapper- the first of the year, then Adrienne had strong bite and the fight was on! She played the fish patiently and went from the bow to the stern. The big fish dove under the boat but Adrienne kept the pressure on and pulled it back out. After a long fight, she landed a nice 23" Slot Redfish! Russ landed a Flounder to tally the duo an Amelia Island Back Country Slam of Black Drum, Redfish, and Flounder, then Adrienne upped it to a "Grande" Slam when she put a keeper sized Seatrout in the boat. We made run down to Broward Island where they caught another Slot Redfish and a Sheepshead. Our next stop was in Christopher Creek where they picked up a keeper sized Flounder and then we made one final stop in Jackstaff where they found a Seatrout and a couple of hard fighting Jack Crevalle. It was a beautiful day of fish catching to be out on Amelia Island waters!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fighting Off Jack Crevalle

I had the pleasure of fishing with Wes and Mary Beth Metheney again, along with Steve Collins, Mary Beth's brother. We met at the Atlantic Seafood dock yesterday afternoon but elected to run south to the Horsehead area and the mouth of Jackstaff. Although we had what I thought was a good tide - the last of an outgoing, we had no real bites on our jig and shrimp combo. We crossed over, fished a sandbar point then headed around to fish Bubblegum Reef on the very first of the incoming tide. We got into some real action here!
Mary Beth had a strong hookup and battled what turned out to be a hard fighting Jack Crevalle. Then she landed another, and maybe another. The two male anglers were feeling left out until Wes got in on the action and caught a big Jack of his own. Then we landed a small Seatrout and had another strong hookup. Steve was on the rod and fought the big fish patiently and when it came to the surface we were glad to see a big 24" Black "puppy" Drum. We picked up another Jack or two then moved to some dock pilings where once again we found some big Jack Crevalle's. I know we had two on at one time, twice - "doubles" - which made for some excitement.  We gestimated that we had about 12 Jacks and after Wes picked up a Flounder, we ran around to Broward Island where the trio landed a few feisty Redfish, a Sheepshead, and another Trout. On the way to Broward we passed two Bald Eagles who had posted themselves on perches in the marsh. The sun was heading down,  they breeze was just right and we headed in, passing pod after pod of dolphin so we counted it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Flordia!

A Tale of Perseverance

Although we've had some cloudy skies with rain predicted every day, I was able to get fishing with Michael Collins Friday morning, leaving the Atlantic Seafood dock early and heading up to the Jolley River to fish the very first of an outgoing tide after a heavy flood. The water was still up in the grass as we set up at the mouth of marsh runout and began to toss float rigs with live shrimp. We had a few nibbles but no real bites until the tide really started running out. But we hit a few spots and Michael's perseverance paid off. We were still fishing the float rigs and got into a flurry of fish catching. First Michael put a nice feisty Redfish in the boat, then another. We picked up a Sea Trout and then a Slot Red. We fished that area for a while then moved around to fish the logs of Tiger Island where we picked up another fish or two, Even though it was overcast, it made for some quality fishing and even though we had to work for our fish, we had a great day out on the water here at Amelia Island!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Birthday Trip Nets Slot Red and Big Trout

I fished George and Cindi Breslin this morning, running up the Nassau River, thru Jackstaff and to its mouth on the other side. We set up off the flooded marsh grass on a high and outgoing tide and began tossing live shrimp under floats. We had a bite on the first cast and shortly after the two anglers began catching Seatrout at the marsh run outs. Most we undersized but they did one keeper in that area. We crossed the creek to fish a point and her George had a
strong hookup, battled it for a good while, then poof, it was gone - the hook pulled! It might have been his next cast and he had another strong hookup. This fish fought so hard and pulled so deep we both were thinking big Red, but when George wore it out we found that that it was a big Jack Crevalle! Their Back! We ran back thru Jackstaff and around to Twin Creeks. Cindi was on the bow of the boat, still tossing a float rig, and picked up a couple or three of feisty Redfish, then a  Flounder to round out her personal Amelia Island Back Country Slam of Seatrout, Redfish and Flounder. We then fished a dock with jigs and in short order Cindi had a hookup. We knew it was a big fish the way it fought against the drag but Cindi fought it patiently and after a good battle, landed a nice big Slot 25" Redfish! She followed that up with a big 18" Seatrout then we moved to the other side of the dock where George put another 18" Trout in the boat. Our final stop was down at Broward Island where we had no real bites, but as we headed in, we knew we'd just had another great day of fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

First Redfish for Young Angler

The thunderstorms were forecast to come in later this afternoon so we went with the scheduled trip to fish with Rob Becker and his son Isaac this morning. I met them down at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp and we headed up the Amelia River and into Jackstaff to fish the first of an outgoing tide with float rigs and live shrimp. I believe Rob knocked the skunk off early when he boated a hungry Seatrout, then another, but Isaac followed it up with a hard fighting fish, which he landed - a nice feisty Redfish- his first. We continued to fish the stretch of marsh grass and both anglers were catching
Seatrout regularly. We switched to jigs and shrimp, fished a sandbar, and found that we could catch Seatrout at will.  Eventually, we made the run through Horsehead, found a dock to fish, which we did for a while, with no real bites. It wasn't until we got ready to leave when Isaac made a nice cast up near a piling and it had no sooner hit the bottom and BOOM! FISH ON! Isaac played the big fish patiently and after a good battle landed a nice Slot Redfish! We moved on to fish Bubblegum Reef, found a Seatrout, then made the run down to Broward Island where the two anglers picked up a handful of more Trout. We'd caught a bunch of fish early, had a big fish landed, so we called it a day, another great one to be fishing Amelia Island waters!