Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Three For Three

We had a beautiful morning today to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida! I had met the Strickland family - Greg and Mandi along with their two girls Sophie and Lydia - down at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp and we headed up the Nassau River, running all the way to Broward Island to fish the very first of an incoming tide. In fact, it was just changing as we got there and when it started back in, the fish began to bite (kinda). Greg "knocked the skunk off" when he hooked up and landed a nice Slot Redfish. The bait along the bank was getting busted right and left
by fish and after a while Greg had another hookup, this one stronger, and after a good battle trying to keep the fish out of the logs, Greg was a successful in landing a nice 22" Slot Red. Two Fish. Two Slot Reds. We worked the bank thoroughly and just as we were about to leave Lydia yelled, "I got one!" and her line took off, FISH ON! The Redfish ripped across the water parallel to the bank then went deep, but Lydia held on and fought the fish patiently. After a good battle she landed another Slot Redfish -Three for Three! We ran around to some docks at Seymore's
Pointe, fished for a short while, then cut through Jackstaff to fish the other side of Horsehead. Now the anglers were tossing float rigs as the tide had gotten up. We had a few bites then Greg battled a hard fighting Jack Crevalle. We later eased up in to another creek and here, after much perseverance, Sohia hooked up and landed a nice fat Speckled Seatrout. With that, we called it a day, another great one to be fishing Amelia Island waters.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Flounder Hot Spot

These South Carolina boys could fish! Capt. Brian Soucy had set up fishing for a small group of young guys who had come down to Jax Beach for a bachelor party weekend. I had three - Kyle,
Blake, and Tez - on my boat. We ran up the Bell River and fished some flooded oyster beds with float rigs and soon found that the mud minnows were the best baits. It took just a while then all three were hauling in Seatrout, one after the other. I believe it was Kyle
who put a feisty Redfish in the boat then added a keeper sized Trout, too. We ran around to fish the outside of Tiger Island and again found the small but hungry Seatrout. A huge rainstorm came up and soaked us all! I had thought about slipping in behind Tiger but the rain and wind beat us back so we ran over to fish the small jetties at the Fort but even though we were out of the rain, there were no bites. We made our next stop up Eagans Creek. Kyle and Tez stuck with the float rigs while Blake tossed a jig with minnows from the bow. He picked up a Croaker then at at a creek mouth, BOOM, Flounder on!  He worked it patiently to the boat and soon landed a nice 16" Flounder.  This encouraged his fellow anglers to switch to the jig and for a while there it was BOOM! Flounder. BOOM! Flounder. BOOM! Flounder. The put a few more up to 18" in the boat, had  small one, and lost one at the boat.  We got wet one more time then called it a day, another great, albeit wet one, to be fishing Amelia Island waters.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Weeding Through The Little Ones

I had the Huffer family fishing today, Michael along with  his dad Ron, and his sister Katie and her husband Kyle. We met at the City marina and with a couple of hours of an incoming tide, we headed up the Bell River to fish some flooded oyster beds with live shrimp and mud minnows under floats. It took a while for the action to get started, but then the anglers began to get bites and a bunch of them. They put small Seatrout after Seatrout in the boat then Kyle, after making a long cast back to a little cove, yelled, FISH ON! We could
tell it was a nice Redfish the way it boiled up to the surface, but Kyle kept the pressure on and slowly worked it to the boat. The big fish tried to keep up near the grass but Kyle worked him out and soon landed a nice 21" Slot Redfish. We fished the area thoroughly, picking up a few more Trout then headed around to the outside of Tiger Island, setting up outside some flooded grass. Again, the anglers began to pick up small Trout and a few Ladyfish. We probably could have stayed there longer and caught more small Trout but we decided to get in behind Tiger and out of some wind that had picked up. This turned to be a good move. After catching a couple of Croaker on jig rods, they tangled with some Jack Crevalle, then Katie had a good hookup and again, FISH ON! This fish stayed deep and we were all eager to see what it was. Katie played the big fish perfectly and landed another Slot Red, this one measuring 21.75". She also put a small Flounder in the boat to round out an Amelia Island Back Country Slam. Ron followed this up with a nice Redfish of his own then Michael wrapped it up with the biggest Seatrout of the day. After fishing one  more time outside of Tiger, we headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing Amelia Island waters.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Taking The Kids Fishing

This morning I met Daniel Biolsi and his two young anglers George and Evelyn down at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp on  a high and still incoming tide. We ran up the Amelia River and into Jackstaff and then further up a creek to fish the flooded grass with float rigs and live shrimp. It didn't take but a few minutes and young George had "knocked the skunk off" when he reeled in a nice Seatrout. And shortly after that his dad put one in the boat, too.
Young Evelyn was helping with the bait at first but she began to get more interested in the fishing and soon was reeling in the float rigs. We switched to jig rods when we got over to Jackstaff and although we didn't have too many bites, we did tangle with a Bonnethead Shark briefly. We then made the run around to Nassau River and went back to the float rigs and here things heated up. Both Daniel and George began to get bites and they each hauled in a handful of keeper sized Mangrove Snapper (all fish were released today). Even Evelyn got in on the action. Her first fish was a pesky Pinfish but then she hooked up and reeled in a keeper sized Snapper, too. We finished the day fishing some docks with jigs and George wrapped it all up with another Snapper and a high flying Ladyfish - the "poor man's Tarpon". With that, we called it a day, another great one to be fishing Amelia Island waters.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Typical Summer Time Back Water Fishing

We had a beautiful morning today, although the forecast had called for a 40% chance of rain, and a not a drop fell. We did have a few clouds and nice breeze that made for some great fishing weather here at Amelia Island. I had meet Kyle and Whitney Golden down at the City marina early this morning and we headed north to make our first stop outside of Tiger Island to fish some flooded oyster beds with live shrimp and mud minnows under float rigs on the first of an outgoing tide. Almost immediately, the fish were biting. The
floats were going under one after the other and the two anglers put a few hungry Seatrout in the boat.  They also had to work through a bunch of "bait stealers". We ran up to Jolley River, fished the "bank" and here they caught a couple of small but feisty Redfish and then Whitney put a keeper sized Seatrout in the boat. We fished the bank thoroughly, then ran further up the Jolley to fish another marsh line with the oysters just beginning to show. Here, they both tangled with Ladyfish, the high flying "poor man's Tarpon" and then Kyle had a strong hookup that I would have bet would be a nice Redfish. He fought the fish for a second then handed the rod off to Whitney who played the fish patiently to the boat and landed a big 18.5" Seatrout. The picked up a couple of more fish then we ran around to Bell River to fish some dock pilings, Whitney quickly picked up a Flounder to round out her very own Amelia Island Back Country Slam then added a Stingray to wrap things up. After that, we headed in, counting it as another great summer day of fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.

Monday, August 10, 2015

First Red and a Slot

An outstandingly beautiful day greeted  me and Froilan Esclusa, his dad, and his son (all Froilan's) when I met them down at Atlantic Seafood dock this morning. Another day with a slight breeze, not too hot, and not a cloud in the sky. We ran north once we got out of the no-wake zone and then eased into a small creek on the outside of Tiger Island. The three anglers were tossing live shrimp under float rigs and at first they had to fight off the baitstealing Perch, Pinfish, and small Snapper.  But then Grandad had a good hookup and landed a hungry Seatrout. The youngest Froilan landed a small Snapper then his dad put a fat Seatrout in the boat. We eased across the creek and here Froilan caught two feisty Redfish and Grandad quietly put another Seatrout in the boat. We made the run up to Jolley River, cast netted some finger mullet, then fished a grassy bank that had the oysters still flooded. Young Froilan had a strong bite and fought the fish perfectly, landing what I think was his first Redfish!  Shortly after that his dad had an even stronger bite, FISH ON! The big fish zipped the drag on the reel then charged deep, taking Froilan from bow to stern and from starboard to port. But he played the fish patiently and soon landed a nice 22" Slot Redfish!  We continued to fish the area then made the run around to Bell River to fish some docks. The anglers picked up a couple of keeper sized Croaker, then we headed back to the dock to pick up the rest of the family for a tour of Old Towne, Fort Clinch, Cumberland Island (yes, we saw wild horses) and Tiger Island then we wrapped it up, counting it as another great day to be fishing Amelia Island waters.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Father Son and a Grande Slam

We had an beautiful morning to fish today, sunshine and  slight breeze. I had met Colin Ah and his dad Robert down at the City marina and we made the run up to the Jolley River to fish an outgoing tide, tossing flies to begin with. Colin had a topwater gurgler fishing the bow while his dad was tossing a Clowser on an intermediate line. The conditions were right and the anglers were hitting their mark but the fish did not cooperate. We ran further up the Jolley and switched to spinning gear and live bait and after working some now exposed oysters, they both picked up some feisty Redfish. We fished the MOA then moved on around to the Bell River to fish some docks. Colin hooked up and landed a nice keeper sized Flounder (all fish were released today) then he made it an Amelia Island Back Country Slam when he caught a keeper sized Sheepshead. They had another Redfish or two then we moved to another dock. Here things heated up for a while when the two anglers had a good flurry of fish catching. Colin topped it all off and made it a "Grande" Slam when he reeled in a hungry Seatrout. We hit another oyster bank on the way back, tossed flies at Bonnethead Sharks and Gar, then headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing Amelia Island waters.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Flounder Kicks It Off

If fished this morning with John Sykes and his two brother-in-laws, Shane and Derrick. We made the long run from Sawpit Creek boat ramp, up the Nassau River and to Broward Island with plans to fish the ougoing tide with jigs and live shrimp and mud minnows. The anglers unlimbered the jig rods and began tossing to the bank, bouncing the jigs on the bottom as the current swept it along. We could see bait being busted along the edge and after a brief while, Derrick had a strong hookup and landed a nice keeper sized Flounder. We had a few good bites after that but no real takers so we ran back to the Seymore's Pointe area and fished some docks. Here things heated up and all there anglers were putting fish in the boat. Shane had a good bite, set the hook and put a fat Mangrove Snapper in the boat. I believe he had another one then Derrick got on the board when he landed another big Snapper. Derrick and Shane were running neck and neck in the variety count, catching the Snapper, Flounder, etc. We fished Bubblegum Reef briefly but the wind had picked up and was proving difficult to fish in. We made our last stop over in Jacksaff and John wrapped the fishing up when he caught a feisty Redfish. With that, we called it a day, another great one to be fishing Amelia Island waters.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

We caught a Bunch

I fished again to day with Chris Sorah, his dad Ken, and his father-in-law Carroll. This time we met down at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp and headed up the Nassau River, running all the way to Broward Island to catch the last of the outgoing tide. This paid off as the anglers began to get bites right off. Ken hauled in a feisty Redfish, then another, then he picked up a hungry Seatrout. We had a another couple of small but fun to catch Trout then Chris had a strong hookup. He played the fish perfectly and landed a  nice
keeper sized 18" Seatrout. Then Ken followed that up with a fat Weakfish, which we haven't seen in a month or so. Already with a "Slam", Ken added to that with a Flounder. We then made the run back to the Horsehead area, fished Bubblegum Reef briefly, but had no real bites, then moved over to fish some docks at Seymore's Pointe. And boy it got hot here! Ken had a strong bite and a good battle with a nice sized Jack Crevalle then they were all catching fish (Carroll was taking in the scenery, enjoying the excellent weather, and providing moral support) and soon they began to pick up keeper sized Mangrove Snapper, one after the other. Ken hauled in a small but hard fighting Black "puppy" Drum to round out a Super Grande Slam! I may have missed a species but we had a good time, left 'em biting, and headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Two That Got Away

I fished with Jim Petchar and his son Hunter again today,  this time meeting down at the City marina early this morning and heading out to Bell River to fish some docks on the very last of an outgoing tide. The two anglers fished them thoroughly with jigs and shrimp, mud minnows and later finger mullet and eventually picked up a small but feisty Redfish. We ran around to the Jolley River and had a pretty good stretch of fishing, landing small Reds, a couple of hungry Seatrout, some Croaker, a keeper sized Flounder and a few "baitstealers". Then Hunter had a strong hookup and I heard the drag "rip", FISH ON! But before either of us could react, Fish Off! Ouch, that was a big fish, but that's the way it goes some days. We fished a few areas in the Jolley then continued on around to Tiger Island. We had a few small bites then I saw Jim go risky and toss his jig up close to some logs and when he hooked up I could tell it was a big fish!  Jim did an excellent job of fighting the fish, trying not to horse him too much but still trying to work him away from the limbs. I thought had him there for a second but the big fish got to some branches and made a lunge, and Fish Off! Boy that was a nice fish!  I think I was more discouraged than Jim!  But it was a good fight and a beautiful day so we headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing Amelia Island waters.