This morning I had Dick Miree and his friend Katheryn meet me at the Big Talbot Island Park boat ramp so that we could fish the Horsehead area on a high and falling tide. We started off tossing float rigs with live shrimp up near the bank but had no real bites. When we switched to a jig and shrimp we had a hookup on the first cast! Go figure. Katheryn patiently reeled in nice hungry Seatrout. Later, Dick snagged a feisty Bluefish at a creek runout. Even though the anglers were making excellent casts, we had no more bites so we made a run to the Nassau River and fished another large creek runout, but again, no bites. Our next stop was some structure and even though the oysters were now showing, again, no real bites. But Dick and Katheryn were patient and continued to give their all. We made a run to Broward Island to fish the downed logs but the current was still ripping out fairly fast and made the fishing tough. We stayed with it, had a bite or two, then hooked up to a nice fish, FISH ON! Finally! Katheryn worked the fish in slowly and after a good battle we netted a nice 19.5" Slot Redfish. Our perseverance had paid off! It was a slow day of catching but a great day to be out on Amelia Island waters. And that's why they call it fishing!
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