some dock pilings and finally Robert had a hookup on jig and landed a nice Flounder. Skunk off the boat! Hooray! We ran through the marsh and fished the mouth of Jackstaff, easing along the bank tossing jigs and minnows and dead shrimp. We had a few bites then Robert felt a "thump" and then his line got heavy, and, Flounder on! He played the fish patiently and soon landed the keeper sized fish. After crossing to a flooded sand bar and working it thoroughly we were about to wrap things up when ZIP, ZIP, ZIP - the drag began to rip. BIG FISH ON! Robert kept the pressure on and as the big fish ran it took him from bow to stern, from starboard to port, and then back to bow. It kept running off line so we chased it with the trolling motor and after along battle we were able to land a 3'+ Bonnethead Shark, boy what a fight! After pictures and release, we headed in, counting it as another great day to be fishing at Amelia Island, Florida.
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