off" when he had a strong bite, a hookup and after a good battle, landed a nice keeper sized Sheepshead. We continued to fish the dock, moved around to the other side, had a few bites but no takers, so we left and ran down to Broward Island to fish the downed logs. After working the bank for a short while Jake had another hookup and landed a feisty Redfish. He went back to the same spot - just under a branch - and had another hookup, another Red. Steve persevered and found a hungry Seatrout out deep then he too had a "bump" on his jig. He set the hook and found himself in a battle. He played the fish perfectly and landed another, but bigger, keeper sized Sheepshead. We ran back up the Nassau River and into a creek where we fished some marsh grass then began to work some rocks along the bank. Jake began to pick up Reds at the back of the boat and boated a few with a couple making it into the Slot (all fish were released today). Then he had a strong hookup and, FISH ON! This was a big fish. He played the fish patiently, letting the rod tip and drag do the work and after some deep runs he landed a big 26" Slot sized Redfish, boy what a fish! We worked the rocks and some docks and had a good flurry with Steve Joining in to catch his Red and rounding out his personal Amelia Island Back Country Slam of Seatrout, Sheepshead, and Red Drum. Then Steve had a stronger than usual bite and when his drag began to rip we knew, FISH ON! Again! It was a big one but it was no match for Steve and after a good battle he landed a 27.25" Oversized Redfish - now that's what we were looking for! We fished the area thoroughly and realized that the sun was up and was warming things nicely and as we headed in we counted it as another great day to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.