get a number of anglers who visit Amelia Island who want to try their hand at
casting for tailing Redfish in the grass. Most of the time you don’t need a
really long cast, maybe 30’-40’ is all you need. But it can be really
frustrating when you see that tail at the 35’ mark and not be able to make the
cast! And if you’re not accurate, your chances of success go way
down. Here’s some tips and things you should practice before you get to
Amelia Island.
Practice 1: Learn to get your fly line up in the air! You’re on the bow of the boat or you’ve waded out into the spartina grass and you see a tailing fish and you’ve got to get the line up in the air and make the cast. Learn how to make a “Quick Cast”. I like Joan Wulff’s method: Strip enough line out to reach the fish. Most of it is piled at your feet but leave about 15’-20’ hanging from the tip of the rod. Grasp the bend of the hook in your left (line) hand. With your rod hand also pinning the line against the rod, make a roll cast towards the fish and let the cast pull the hook from your hand. As it is rolling out, move your now empty line hand to the line, grasp the line, and make a good back cast. Now you’re ready to make the forward cast and shoot the line and fly to the tailing fish. You want to practice this so that you can make the cast with no additional false casting. Roll it out, make the back cast, make the forward cast and shoot the line to the fish.
2: Pick up and Lay Down. This is easy! It’s just a basic cast, but practice it
anyway. When you see a tailing Redfish and make an excellent cast, the fish may
not see the fly and move on, or it may turn and feed an opposite direction.
Just “pick up and lay down” out in front of the tailing fish. Try not to make a
loud pick up – make it nice and smooth and try to minimize any false casting.
Pick it up. Lay it down. Practice 1: Learn to get your fly line up in the air! You’re on the bow of the boat or you’ve waded out into the spartina grass and you see a tailing fish and you’ve got to get the line up in the air and make the cast. Learn how to make a “Quick Cast”. I like Joan Wulff’s method: Strip enough line out to reach the fish. Most of it is piled at your feet but leave about 15’-20’ hanging from the tip of the rod. Grasp the bend of the hook in your left (line) hand. With your rod hand also pinning the line against the rod, make a roll cast towards the fish and let the cast pull the hook from your hand. As it is rolling out, move your now empty line hand to the line, grasp the line, and make a good back cast. Now you’re ready to make the forward cast and shoot the line and fly to the tailing fish. You want to practice this so that you can make the cast with no additional false casting. Roll it out, make the back cast, make the forward cast and shoot the line to the fish.
Improve your accuracy. The Redfish may only be 30’ from the boat but if
you can’t get the fly in front of it you have almost zero chance of catching
it. Obviously if you land the fly behind the fish you’re not going to catch it.
If you lay the line over the back of the fish there’s a good chance it’s going
to spook. You need to be able to make your cast and put the fly out in
front of the fish, ideally 3’-6’ ahead of it WITHOUT much false casting –
ideally none. The fish can feel/see that fly line being cast overhead and it
will just go under, disappear and be gone. You would think that making a 30’
cast out in front of fish would be simple, right? I’ve seen all kinds of great
casters fall apart when that big Red is out there tailing. Practice you’re
4: Get more distance with Double Haul I hesitate to mention this but I’m
assuming that you’ve got a good cast already and you’re getting good loops. If
not, practice you cast until you’re getting good loops BEFORE you move on to
the Double Haul. I get a lot of Trout anglers who have some pretty good casts
but try as they might, they can only hit 30’-35”. I always check to see
if they are double hauling, and most are not. Get an instructor in your area to
give you a lesson on the Double Haul. Practice it. Read articles on it. Watch
some videos. For those that do use a haul, one of the most common
mistakes I see is that the caster hauls down….but leaves their haul (line) hand
down by their side and doesn’t let the unrolling line pull that line hand up to
the reel. Slack is then induced during the ensuing stroke…there is less load in
the rod…the cast is not as efficient…and good distance is not achieved.
Again, you don’t always have to make a long cast, but it sure is frustrating
for you when the fish is at 40’ and we can only cast 35’!
other Tips:
patient, let the fish come to you! If you see a fish way off, be patient.
Sometimes you can watch the fish and see that it is heading your way…or you can
tell which way it’s heading and you can head it off without going right at it.
Slowly! If
you do wade towards a fish, wade slowly! They have an uncanny way of
knowing that something is up and if they feel you coming, many times they will
sink and disappear.Minimize False Casting Hey, it looks good on TV! But as mentioned before, that fly line casts a shadow and if you false cast two, three, four times over the fish it may sense something is up and again, sink, and disappear.
in front of the fish We
can’t always have the perfect scenario but ideally your fly would mimic a
fleeing bait. If you are out in front of the fish and your fly is stripped
towards the fish – it may spook. Try to be in position to cast your fly in
front of the fish and strip away from the fish, as if it were fleeing.
proper shoes they
can be high-end wading boots or cheap canvas tennis shoes but they’re going to
get wet and muddy. They need to be snug on your feet without being sucked off
in mud.
to 7.3 High tides are
what I look for when expecting tailing Reds. It’s a “rule of thumb” and not
always right, but check your tide charts and plan on being on the water and
beginning to look 2 hours before the predicted high tide.
some spare leader and flies when you set out to wade from your
boat. You may be 100 yards away from your tackle box and break off a fly and
don’t want to have to trudge all the way back to the boat. I always throw a
couple of flies and spool of leader material in my pocket and I have my
pliers/cutters on my hip.
a strip set
when the fish takes the fly, use a “strip set” rather than lifting the
rod tip to set the hook. Strip set, get the hookup, then lift the fly rod.
After you’ve made that excellent cast, the fish is nose down feeding, just
slightly “bump” the fly. You don’t want to strip it out of range. They’ll
usually take it with a vengeance!