Bill Freeman of Warner Robbins, GA was in town with his family to celebrate the 4th of July holiday and wanted a change of pace so he set up a fishing trip with me and his two sons, Will and Timothy. We met at the south end ramp at 7am with the tide still going out and not to hit bottom until around 9am. We headed up Amelia River, cut in to Jackstaff and started trolling the oyster lined banks. About 50 yards up Will hooked up with what turned out to be a very aggressive Redfish and he boated it shortly.

Will must have had the hot rod early because it wasn't too long before he had a real battle on his hands! The fish went from stern to bow and back to stern, ripping drag and heading down river then back to the boat and hunkering down on the bottom. Will used the rod to lift the fish then began to work him in - a 3 1/2 foot long Bonnethead shark! Bill got in on the action by hooking up to hard fighting Jack Crevalle; we all thought it was going to be a slot sized Redfish by the way it fought, but it was a fun battle, anyway.

Timothy, not to be outdone, caught a Blacktip Shark and then added a Redfish that just missed the slot by 1/4". Will topped it off with Puppy Drum. When the bite slowed we pulled up and ran to "Bubblegum Reef" where Bill boated another Bonnethead. We tried our luck at Broward Island, but the day had progressed and the bites had come to a halt so we headed in, counting it as another great day to be out on the water!
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