I fished this morning with Cathy Raulerson and her friends Craig and Greg, meeting down at the Atlantic Seafood dock at the marina and heading north to fish the logs of Tiger Island on the last of an incoming tide. We had live shrimp and minnows fished on jigs with the anglers tossing their bait up to the bank. At the first spot the had a few bites and at the second spot Cathy "knocked the skunk off" when she landed a nice hungry Seatrout. We moved around to the
outside of Tiger and this did the trick. All three anglers were getting bites and soon Craig and Cathy were trading turns landing small but fun to catch Seatrout with a couple of pinfish and perch thrown in. We decided to make the move up to Jolley River, fished one bank, had no bites, then moved further up the river and tried it again. The fish weren't cooperating so we made the run back, passing through Tiger and over to Bell River. Here, Craig put another Trout in the boat then he had a strong hookup, FISH ON! This was a big fish and ripped the drag out, first running up the boat, going deep then turning and coming back to the stern and it stayed deep. But Craig was up to the challenge and after a patient battle he soon landed a 3'+ Bonnethead Shark to wrap up another great day to be out on the water fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida.
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