I got to fish with Brent Malcom again today and this time he brought his teenage daughter Katie for the fishing trip. We changed up the locale and met down at the Big Talbot Island Park ramp, which had them driving down from
Elizabeth Pointe Lodge, to fish the very first of an incoming tide. It was a beautiful morning as we headed up the Nassau River to fish some structure with live shrimp on a jig. I was expecting Redfish and when Brent hooked up and the drag sang I thought for sure it was a big Red. Brent played the fish perfectly, slowly working it out and after a good battle landed a nice keeper sized Sheepshead. Katie hooked up and landed a keeper sized Whiting then Brent pulled in an even bigger Sheepshead. We made a run to Broward Island and boy things heated up. The anglers landed Seatrout (some of keeper size) and Redfish to round out an Amelia Island Back Country Slam and then they added a Black "puppy" Drum to make it a "Grand Slam"! We hit Jackstaff on the way back and picked up a Seatrout then headed in, counting it another great day to be out on Amelia Island waters!
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