I fished again yesterday afternoon with the Keeley family -Don and Crystal and their two kids Ryan and Lauren. Although the skies had been cloudy all day there was a growing build up of dark clouds to our west. We ran up the Amelia River, eased into Jackstaff, and began to fish the first of an outgoing tide. Young Ryan got the "skunk off the boat" by landing a nice fat Seatrout. His mother Crystal soon added another one. After fishing a stretch of flooded oysters we ran around to fish the Twin Creeks in Nassau River. Here things heated up with all the anglers getting in on the action. Lauren had the most species, catching a Seatrout, Blue Fish, Jack Crevalle, and Perch. Don added a few Seatrout to the mix. But the storm had come closer and there was rumblings of lighting so we headed back to the ramp, and boy am I glad wew did! Sitting in my truck I soon found there was hail falling along with the heavy rain. After the rain, we got back on the water but it looked like chocolate milk it was so muddy - and no fish were biting. But the earlier part of the trip had been successful so we called it a day, another great one to be out on Amelia Island waters!
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